Build an AI-Powered Rubric Generator
Rubrics are a pain to build. As a course developer that deals a lot with open courses that incorporate peer grading, I’m exceptionally in tune with the pain involved. “Hey, um, can you generate a rubric for this? With specific, measurable, clear criteria for each score that exactly matches how you’d actually grade this.”
AI is very good at creating most probable outputs, and when it comes to a rubric that is often the goal. Break down the grade into highly agreeable dimensions that you and your students can understand. With that drudgery out of the way, an educator can tweak and adjust the rubric to their liking.
Here is what I wanted with this AI powered rubric generator:
I wanted to align the rubric with learning objectives, if they existed. So I created an optional field to capture those.
I wanted to be able to adjust the number of criteria and the achievement levels per criteria. To keep things simple, I didn’t add any ways to define my own criteria but that would be a very good customization to this app for those that need it.
I wanted to be able to fine-tune the prompt after I filled out the form, so I gave this app an editable prompt just before submission.
Steps to Build your Custom Rubric Generator:
Check out the quickstart to build your first “hello world” app:
Edit your version of the “app_rubric_generator” file.
Review the phases and fields
Phase I
Assignment Description
Maximum Points (defaults to 100)
Number of Criteria
Number of Achievement Levels per Criteria
Grade Level
Align with Learning Objectives
Review the prompt
Act as an experienced {subject} teacher and create a well crafted and clear grading rubric with {num_criteria} criteria and {num_levels} achievement levels per criteria, based on an assignment description that I will provide. Use {grade_level} student friendly language. The maximum points for the assignment is {max_points}, please make sure the rubric's maximum value adds up to that number.
If provided, please align the rubric to the following learning objectives:\n {learning_objectives}\n\n
Generate the rubric in the form of a table. The first row heading for the table should include the achievement levels and points. The first column on the left of the table should display the criteria. The descriptors for each component and score should be listed under the correct achievement level and points column and criteria row. Make the descriptors in the table as specific to the objectives as possible.
Here is the assignment description for the rubric: \n {assignment_description}